Fast, Safe, and Hassle-free: Explore Recomment's Electronic Menu Service


Recomment offers a fast, secure, and worry-free way to showcase a restaurant's menu to customers. Its digital menu service is designed specifically for restaurants that want to offer their customers the best possible experience.

Recomment's digital menu is quick and easy to install and works on all mobile devices. Customers can view the restaurant's food and drink offerings on their own smartphones, which reduces the use of personal paper menus and thus reduces the risk of infection.

Recomment also offers table stickers and posters containing QR codes that can be placed at the restaurant's entrance or on tables so that customers can easily find the menu service. This way, customers can review the restaurant's options before even stepping inside.

The service also includes real-time reviews and surveys that help restaurants receive valuable feedback and better understand their customers' needs. The results of these reviews and surveys are analyzed so that restaurants can improve their food and service offerings.

Using Recomment's digital menu service is easy and effortless. Restaurants can add new dishes and drinks and update prices in real-time. Customers can select their desired dishes and drinks, and the final amount will be displayed on their screen.

Recomment's digital menu service is suitable for restaurants of all sizes, whether it's a small café or a large restaurant chain. The service is easy and quick to implement, allowing restaurants to offer their customers a smooth and enjoyable dining experience.

Recomment's digital menu service is also an environmentally friendly option, reducing paper consumption and thus also reducing the environmental impact of restaurants. The digital menu is also a flexible solution, as restaurants can easily update it and add new options, promotions, or even special diets.

In summary, Recomment's digital menu service is a fast, secure, and worry-free way to showcase a restaurant's food and drink offerings. The service also includes real-time reviews and surveys that help restaurants improve their customer experience and offer exactly what customers want.

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