Efficient customer feedback and service improvement

Recomment's Service Quality Monitoring


We offer a comprehensive survey research service that enables you to gather valuable information about your customers' opinions and experiences. This service is designed for businesses that aim to deepen their understanding of their customer base and develop their operations in a customer-oriented manner.

Customizability: Create versatile surveys that meet your specific needs. You can define question types, such as multiple-choice, open-ended responses, or scales, and customize the appearance of the survey to match your brand.

Real-Time Analysis: Available real-time analytics provide immediate feedback on survey responses, allowing for quick decisions and actions.

Ease of Use: Surveys are easily distributed to customers via email, social media, or QR codes, which can be placed in physical locations like stores or events.

Engagement: Survey research is an effective way to engage customers and show that you value their opinions. This promotes the development of customer relationships and increases loyalty.

Decision-Making Support: With the data collected, you can make informed decisions about business development, service improvement, and new product design.

By choosing our survey research services, you gain access to a powerful tool that helps you better understand your customer base and optimize your operations to meet their expectations. We assist you in building a strong foundation for success by collecting and analyzing critical customer data.

Available in minutes! 
Only 40€/month + VAT

Non-binding and flexible service, no advance payment required. Enjoy a commitment-free experience and try our full-service package for 7 days free of charge.

Expand your service for 0,0 euros!

Add Customer Feedback Management or a Digital Menu at no additional cost.

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