Payment methods accepted by the services | Email and online invoicing | R E C O M M E N T


Email Billing:

We provide email billing for all of our customers. Once you have agreed on our services and pricing, we will send you an invoice by email on the agreed upon date. The invoice will include all necessary information, such as the invoice number, due date, and bank account information for payment. You can pay the invoice electronically through your online banking or traditionally through your bank.


We also offer the option of electronic invoicing to those customers who wish to pay their invoices online through their bank's website.

Electronic invoicing is an easy and convenient way to manage invoicing. It saves time, money, and the environment by reducing paper usage and carbon dioxide emissions.

Your company can easily adopt it to receive invoices directly into your billing system.

Here's how to switch to electronic invoicing:

1. Make an electronic invoicing agreement with your bank or other operator. If you have an insurance broker, contact them first to change the payment method.

2. Your bank/operator will provide you with an OVT code, electronic invoicing address, and intermediary code.

3. Inform us of these details.

Once we are registered as the recipient, we will send your invoices directly to your online banking account at the beginning of the next billing period. This speeds up and simplifies the process of paying your invoices.

If you have any further questions or need additional information for this page, please let us know.

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